Here Ye, Here Ye! Husbands, DADS, Sons, Brothers, Friends, Co-Workers....I am talking to you.
Cough Cough. In case you have forgotten Mothers Day is on May 10th. That is exactly 11 days away. Don't wake up the day of and realize you forgot to get that special person in your life something. Since we are under extraordinary times I am making this super simple for you. All online shopping. You're welcome.
FYI, your kids will not be bringing home handmade Mother's Day gifts from school. You have 11 days.
Mother's day is the 1 day out of 365 days mom's want to feel special. The day we don't have to wipe so many butts. The day we don't have to hide in the closet to eat chocolate chips, the day we don't have to be the sole boo-boo kisser, the day we don't have to fix dinner, clean up said dinner and do all the other things we have to do day in and day out.
1. Yeti Mug. How many times a dang day do we have to microwave our coffee?! Not today Satan. Not on my watch.
2. Snarky Cross Stitch Kit.
Ok hear me out. When all day long we do crafts with kids, for kids, for kids school work, there comes a time when we want to sit with a glass of wine and do a craft of our own. And what better way than a snarky one. We can't say WTF to our kids but we sure can cross stitch it.
3. Fully Customizable Stainless Steel Glitter tumbler. Yes, your mama needs this. When she is sitting at 115 sporting events, carpool, dance recitals and so much more. She needs a cup to keep her drink cold. Promise. She needs this.
4. Jade Roller. This bad boy packs a punch. When mom has been up all night with a screaming baby or she hasn't slept much because online schooling is driving her crazy she can roll this under her eyes and it is instantly refreshing. Even better, pop it in the fridge and it helps de-puff under eye bags.
5. Instant Pot. If you haven't jumped on the instant pot bandwagon yet, you are seriously missing out. Swear. She needs this. Check out Skinnytaste for all her amazing instant pot recipes.
6. Essential Oils, Basic Starter kit I know what your thinking. "my mama doesn't need that crazy voo-doo stuff" However that crazy "voo-doo" stuff is pure magical plant juice. Let her be the judge of that.
7. Red Drink. The red drink is pretty much like drinking the produce aisle. Mama is busy. She is so busy that 9/10 she has taken care of everyone else and herself last. Again, not today satan. Ningxia Red
8. Barefoot Dreams Blanket. Now, I know this is a splurge. But its your mama and she is WORTH it! Let her cozy up on the couch with netflix and this blanket and relax.
9. Daily Devotional. This book has taught me to slow down and take time for myself. Every morning, I get up 5-10 minutes before everyone else and read my daily devotional book. It has been the best "me time" I have gotten.
10. Barefoot Dreams Robe. The softest robe you will ever feel in your life.
And that's it friends. Don't forget that special mama in your life. She deserves all the love on her special day.
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